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In order to enable the best possible experience for each individual guest, we rely on the implementation of a strict set of rules.
Each of our guests is obliged to comply with these rules.Rule violations end with warnings up to the final exclusion from our venue!

As with any venue, it stands to reason that there should be a ruleset in place. We don't want to have to put too many rules in place. We just want everybody to be able to have a good time.
Please kee
p the following rules in mind, and we'll all get along well.

Note: The Emperor's Chest classifies as being topless. As such, please only equip this IF you are on the VIP list & in the VIP area. Male or Female, this applies to EVERYONE. No exception


1. Please do NOT enter any of the private chambers without a booking. If you're caught room hopping, you'll be warned, and blacklisted if you continue to do so. 
There are NO loopholes around this. We will not give anybody a tour of the private chambers during opening hours, and they are NOT free to enter simply because they appear to be unlocked. We have neither the time or resources to lock the doors once a room is in use, this is not an excuse to run into a room because you're curious. We have, and will continue to escalate things if this rule is repeatedly broken.

2. Please avoid using the 'Looking to Meld' and 'Looking for Party' tags, they're reserved for staff. Blossoms can be identified by 'Looking for Party', Staff identified by 'Looking to Meld'

3. Please be respectful of all staff & patrons alike, nobody wants to feel like they're being harassed. If somebody says no, or asks you to step back, please respect their wishes.

4. Please leave your weapons at the door, a dancefloor is no place for weapons. Don't worry, your weapons will be safe and ready for when you leave.

4.a. While we do allow minions to be summoned, we must ask you.. Please do NOT enter our syncshell with large props on your minions. We do reserve the right to kick you from the syncshell, and will do so if necessary.

5. It goes without saying that the dancefloor is a place for fun and to have a good time, please keep your pants on. While we are an 18+ Venue, tops may only be removed in the Hot Tub section of the VIP Area. This applies to ALL genders. 
5.a. By joining our Mare Syncshell you also agree that your glam must not include any nudity, e.g exposed nipples & genitals. If you are seen sporting an inappropriate glam, one of our staff will politely ask you to wear something that atleast covers up the obvious parts. We reserve the right to kick you from our Syncshell if any warnings are ignored.

6.  Usage of the Yell & Shout channels are reserved for staff, and occasionally the DJs, Please do try to avoid using them.

7.  You acknowledge that by attending, your character may be used in pictures for promoting the club. Please understand there is no ill intent. Our photographers simply wish to capture the nights best moments for all to see. All content will be available to see in our ⁠📸│event-photos channel on discord, and some posted to our instagram page.

8. Any and all services provided by staff are only available during opening hours, unless specifically stated by management, or the staff member you're with.

9. Please turn off your emote log, it fills up the chat log for everyone. You can find this under social > emotes > 'Display log message' box and uncheck it.

10. Use of bard instruments inside the venue is strictly forbidden unless we're hosting an event featuring bards.

11. Please keep any NSFW talk contained to your tells/party. We understand wrong chat can occur so just pay attention to which chat channel you're using. 

  • Bliss Discord
  • Bliss Club
  • Bliss Studio

©2022-24 by Bliss.

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